GPS Cycle and Walking Routes

Standish Wood

2 miles (3 km)

Enjoy peaceful woodland trails in this large area of woodland near Whiteshill, Stroud. In the springtime there are carpets of bluebells to enjoy.
The walk can be extended by climbing Haresfield Beacon for wonderful views over the Severn Vale and the Cotswolds.

Standish Wood OS Map - Mobile GPS OS Map with Location tracking

Standish Wood Open Street Map - Mobile GPS Map with Location tracking

Cycle Routes and Walking Routes Nearby


Round barrow on Standish Wood

One of the two Bronze Age round barrows on Standish Wood near Randwick in Gloucestershire. This is the smaller and more westerly of the two barrows, which are only a few metres apart.

The Bank of the Standish Wood Cross Dyke

The bank of the Iron Age cross dyke

Standish Wood - - 1125519

Hoar frost on beech trees

Part of the Standish Wood Cross Dyke

Part of the Iron Age cross dyke in Standish Wood near Randwick in Gloucestershire. The bank is shielded in shadow while the dyke is lit by the sun.

View of Landscape from the Standish Wood Cross Dyke

North-facing viewpoint from the northern end of the Iron Age cross dyke in Standish Wood near Randwick in Gloucestershire.

One of the Standish Wood Round Barrows

One of the Standish Wood Round Barrows. This is the more easterly of the two barrows, which are only a few metres apart.


GPS Files

GPX File

Standish Wood.gpx (On Desktop:Right Click>Save As. On Ipad/Iphone:Click and hold>Download Linked File)

Memory Map Route

Standish Wood.mmo (On Desktop:Right Click>Save As. On Ipad/Iphone:Click and hold >Download Linked File)