GPS Cycle and Walking Routes

Dunoon Walks - Bishop's Seat Walk

5.28 miles (8.5 km)

Dunoon is a fine coastal town located on the Cowal Peninsula in the south of Argyll and Bute.
This walk from the town takes you up to the viewpoint at Bishop's Seat. Starting from the car park on the western edge of the town you can follow paths west into the delightful Bishop's Glen. Here you will find some peaceful woodland trails and a pretty reservoir.
After coming out of the woods you will come to the peak of Eilligan which stands at 463 metres. Head west from here and you will come to Bishop's Seat at 512 metres. There is a trig point here and some wonderful views over the surrounding mountains.
To extend the walk head to Dunoon Castle where you can see the ancient ruins and enjoy more great views over the Firth of Clyde.
Please scroll down for the full list of walks near and around Dunoon Bishop's Seat. The detailed maps below also show a range of footpaths, bridleways and cycle paths in the area.

Dunoon Bishop's Seat OS Map - Mobile GPS OS Map with Location tracking

Dunoon Bishop's Seat Open Street Map - Mobile GPS Map with Location tracking

Walks near Dunoon

Further Information and Other Local Ideas

To continue your walking around Dunoon you could catch the ferry to Gourock and pick up the nearby Greenock Cut Walk and Kelly Cut Walk around the stunning Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park.
Please scroll down for the full list of walks near and around Dunoon. The detailed maps below also show a range of footpaths, bridleways and cycle paths in the area.
To the west there's Tighnabruaich where you can pick up a section of the Cowal Way and enjoy a walk along Loch Ruel.


MV Ali Cat entering Dunoon

MV Ali Cat entering Dunoon

Reservoir Bishop's Glen Dunoon

Reservoir Bishop's Glen Dunoon

Bishops Glen - - 150154

Bishops Glen Bridge over Balgaidh Burn

Eilligan summit cairn

Eilligan summit cairn

Trig Pillar on the summit of Bishop's Seat

Trig Pillar on the summit of Bishop's Seat

Footpath/cycletrack in Bishop's Glen

Footpath/cycletrack in Bishop's Glen

Castle Hill Dunoon - - 995906

Castle Hill Dunoon viewed from MV Saturn. The group of people are waiting the see the liner Queen Elizabeth 2 make her final journey to the Clyde, the river of her birth.
Though only scant remains of Dunoon Castle exist today, its hilltop position offers stunning views over the town of Dunoon and the Firth of Clyde. Originally built in the 12th century, the castle was a significant stronghold and even served as a royal residence during the 14th century. The original structure is believed to have consisted of three circular towers arranged in a triangular formation. However, little of the castle remains today, as it was abandoned in the 17th century following an invasion. The stones from the ruined castle were later quarried in the 19th century to construct Castle House, a building that still stands today. Dunoon Castle's historical significance and its picturesque location make it a site of interest despite the loss of most of its original structure.

The 'Waverley' leaving Dunoon pier

The 'Waverley' leaving Dunoon pier


GPS Files

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