GPS Cycle and Walking Routes

Oswestry to Whitchurch

28 miles (45 km)

This route starts in Oswestry near the Welsh border and follows signed regional cycle routes and National Cycle Route 45 to Whitchurch via Ellesmere. The route is not too challenging and takes place mainly on quiet country roads.
Route highlights include views of the Shropshire Union Canal at Hindford and Wroxhall and the mere at Ellesmere.

Oswestry to Whitchurch OS Map - Mobile GPS OS Map with Location tracking

Oswestry to Whitchurch Open Street Map - Mobile GPS Map with Location tracking

Elevation Profile

GPS Files

GPX File

Oswestry to Whitchurch.gpx (On Desktop:Right Click>Save As. On Ipad/Iphone:Click and hold>Download Linked File)

Memory Map Route

Oswestry to Whitchurch.mmo (On Desktop:Right Click>Save As. On Ipad/Iphone:Click and hold >Download Linked File)