GPS Cycle and Walking Routes

Clayfield Copse

1 miles (1.5 km)

This attractive area of woodland is located in Caversham, to the north of Reading.
The local nature reserve is a pleasant place for a stroll with woodland paths, a sculpture trail and wildflower meadows to enjoy. The site also includes Blackhouse Wood, just to the east.


RG4 6RT - Please note: Postcode may be approximate for some rural locations

Clayfield Copse OS Map - Mobile GPS OS Map with Location tracking

Clayfield Copse Open Street Map - Mobile GPS Map with Location tracking

Further Information and Other Local Ideas

To continue your walking head south and pick up the Thames Path on the Caversham Walk. You can also visit the splendid Caversham Court Gardens where there's more easy trails to try.
In Reading you can also pick up the Reading Canal Walk and the Reading Circular River Walk to explore the area further on foot.
For more walking ideas in the area see the Berkshire Walks page.


Clayfield Copse - - 9228

Clayfield Copse.  A piece of woodland enclosed within the Reading borough boundary and maintained by the local authority for recreation. Reading has many pockets of woodland even well within the urban area.

Wood sculpture in Clayfield Copse - - 1407381

Wood sculpture in Clayfield Copse. A large fallen beech tree has been carved in situ to form this sleeping pig.

The Dip, Blackhouse Wood - - 1233149

The Dip, Blackhouse Wood. Once part of the Caversham Park Estate, Blackhouse is ancient woodland with some notable tree specimens, e.g. wild pear and wild service tree. The depression here is thought to be the result of mineral extraction.

Footpath alongside Blackhouse Wood - - 1407373

Footpath alongside Blackhouse Wood. Blackhouse Wood is on the right and ahead is Clayfield Copse. The footpath follows the line of the county boundary between Oxford on the right and Berkshire on the left.

Field between Clayfield Copse and Blackhouse Wood - - 1233141

Field between Clayfield Copse and Blackhouse Wood. The field was in agricultural use until the mid 1990s. It is being allowed to regenerate into woodland, with some coppicing carried out. The Berkshire/Oxfordshire boundary runs between the field and the wood.

Woodland edge at Blackhouse Wood - - 1407358

Woodland edge at Blackhouse Wood. The open area has recently been planted with young trees, which will in due course extend the woodland area.


GPS Files

GPX File

Clayfield Copse.gpx (On Desktop:Right Click>Save As. On Ipad/Iphone:Click and hold>Download Linked File)

Memory Map Route

Clayfield Copse.mmo (On Desktop:Right Click>Save As. On Ipad/Iphone:Click and hold >Download Linked File)