GPS Cycle and Walking Routes

Havant Thicket

2 miles (3.4 km)

Enjoy miles of woodland and moorland paths at Havant Thicket, part of the Forest of Bere. You can park at the south eastern corner of the woods, near Rowlands Castle. Then follow the trails through the woods where you can visit the ponds and look out for wildlife including various woodland birds and deer.
To further explore the forest head west to Creech Woods near Denmead and West Walk where there's more nice waymarked trails to try.
Just to the south of thicket you will find Staunton Country Park where there's a farm, two pretty lakes, a maze, a walled garden and glasshouses containing exotic tropical flowers and plants from around the world.
To the east of Rowlands Castle you will find Stansted Park where you will find a fine 1800 acre park surrounding the Edwardian Stansted House. The Rowlands Castle Walk visits the house before heading to the thicket and Staunton Country Park. It starts at the train station in the village and is a nice way of seeing all of these local attractions in one loop.


PO9 6BA - Please note: Postcode may be approximate for some rural locations

Havant Thicket OS Map - Mobile GPS OS Map with Location tracking

Havant Thicket Open Street Map - Mobile GPS Map with Location tracking

Walks near Havant

Dog Walking

The woodland and moorland paths are ideal for a dog walk.


Path heading north within Havant Thicket - - 1114939

Path heading north within Havant Thicket

Entrance to Havant Thickett - - 1114949

Entrance to Havant Thickett

By the car park, Havant Thicket - - 3737580

By the car park

Boundary track, Havant Thicket - - 3737603

Boundary track

Subsidiary path within Havant Thicket - - 2394875

Subsidiary path

Gnarled trees in Havant Thicket - - 351453

Gnarled trees in Havant Thicket


GPS Files

GPX File

Havant Thicket.gpx (On Desktop:Right Click>Save As. On Ipad/Iphone:Click and hold>Download Linked File)

Memory Map Route

Havant Thicket.mmo (On Desktop:Right Click>Save As. On Ipad/Iphone:Click and hold >Download Linked File)